Legs Up the Wall (Waterfall) Pose
Viparita Karani
Legs Up the Wall Pose, or Waterfall Pose, is a rejuvenating yoga posture with numerous benefits for relaxation and circulation. This gentle inversion promotes calm and balance in your yoga practice.
Legs Up the Wall Pose, commonly called Waterfall Pose or Viparita Karani in Sanskrit, is a beginner-friendly restorative pose that calms the nervous system and relaxes tired legs. It’s a low-impact inversion that helps to slow the heart rate, improve circulation, and reduce swelling in the feet and ankles. Whether you had a long day on your feet or just feel particularly tense, this rejuvenating pose is exactly what you need.
Legs Up the Wall Pose Steps
More advanced version using a block and no wall.
Step 1
Start by sitting on the floor. Bring the right side of your body up against the wall. Extend your legs out straight so that the outside of your right leg is touching the wall.
Step 2
Roll onto your back as you extend your legs up the wall, feet hip-distance apart.
Step 3
Bring your hips as close to the wall as you can while keeping your legs straight. You may need to adjust this distance depending on your flexibility. Flex the feet.
Step 4
Find a comfortable position with your hands. You can keep your arms relaxed down by your sides or extend them out to a T shape depending on what feels comfortable. Palms can face up or down.
Step 5
Close your eyes and breathe in this pose for at least 5 minutes or as long as you feel comfortable. Allow your body to relax and feel your spine and hamstrings lengthening.
Step 6
To exit this pose, roll to one side and pause for a few breaths. When you’re ready, slowly push yourself back up to seated.
Legs Up the Wall variation using a chair instead of the wall.
If this feels uncomfortable or if your hamstrings are especially tight, you can bring your calves onto the seat of a chair, keeping them bent instead of extended up a wall.
You may also wish to place a yoga block, bolster, pillow, or folded blanket under your hips for added lift and support. This helps to deepen the stretch in the lower back and also provides cushion if your hips or spine feel uncomfortable against the floor.
• Stretches the hamstrings, hips, and chest
• Slows the heart rate
• Improves circulation
• Reduces swelling
• Stimulates digestion
• Calms stress and anxiety
• Glaucoma or other eye conditions
• Menstruation
• Back or spinal injuries
• 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy
• High blood pressure