What is Hatha Yoga?


Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga that embodies what many people imagine when they think of yoga today. Similar to the popular Vinyasa style of yoga, it connects the breath to body movements, and uses similar poses, stretches, and meditations. However, unlike Vinyasa which is meant to be more powerful and energetic, Hatha yoga is slower paced and more focused on stretching and strength building.

Hatha yoga is a wonderfully well-rounded form of yoga that will help you to stretch and strengthen the body…

Because each pose and inversion is held for longer periods of time, Hatha encourages deeper stretching, which is perfect for yogis of all skill levels who seek to improve flexibility. In practicing flows more slowly, Hatha allows for a more intentional alignment of the body and mind. In addition, it often incorporates different practices that aim to intensify this mind-body connection, such as chants or mantras, mudras, breathing techniques, or visualizations.

Hatha yoga is a wonderfully well-rounded form of yoga that will help you to stretch and strengthen the body while also allowing you to cultivate a meditative mindset.

Try our Naked Hatha Yoga program with Yasmin to experience it yourself!
