Warrior II Pose

Virabhadrasana II

Woman doing Warrior II pose in desert

Warrior II Pose aka Virabhadrasana II is a continuation in the Warrior series. It utilizes the majority of muscle groups and requires a tremendous amount of focus to keep your form aligned properly.

Warrior II Pose aka Virabhadrasana II is a powerful and energizing standing pose that activates the whole body and is a foundational posture for many other asanas. It strengthens the legs, glutes, and shoulders while also stretching the thighs, hips, and groin.

Warrior II Pose Steps

Woman in Warrior II pose

Step 1

Start in Tadasana, Mountain Pose.

Step 2

Take a big step back with your left foot, and line up the heels or the arch of the back foot with the front heel. Point the back toes toward the long side of your mat and ground down evenly in both feet.

Step 3

On an exhale, start to bend and sink into the front leg, until you are creating a 90 degree angle with the front leg. Hips are facing the long side of the mat. Extend the arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms facing down.

Step 4

Bring your gaze forward over your front fingertips, or if you have neck pain, keep the gaze toward the long side of your mat.

Step 5

Continue engaging the legs and sinking deeply into the front leg, placing the weight into the heel. Make sure your knee is directly stacked over your ankle, and is not coming forward over your toes, which can cause a knee injury.

Step 6

Tuck the tailbone slightly and make sure the shoulders are stacked over the hips. Drop the shoulders away from the ears and keep a long, straight spine.


  1. Avoid this pose if you have a knee injury.

  2. If you have a shoulder injury, keep the hands on the hips instead of extending them up to shoulder height.


• Stretches the thighs, hips, and groin.

• Strengthens the shoulders, glutes, and core


• Knee injury

• Hip injury

• Shoulder injury

• High blood pressure

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