Yogis Uncovered | Meet Brett

naked woman holding yoga mat with the text Yogis Uncovered - Meet Brett

In this edition of Yogis Uncovered we sat down with Brett who you may recognize from her programs such as Energizing Morning Yoga Flow and Qigong for Stress & Anxiety. Subscribe to see the full interview and get to know more about her creativity and passion for yoga and movement.

Taking the extra layer off… really opens up absolutely everything and just allows you to feel so much more in your body. I think it’s an incredible way to be in touch with your body while doing something that’s also connective.
— Brett
stretching on a mat for naked yoga

Hi! My name is Brett Barletta, and I live in Los Angeles, California.

Where are you from and what inspired you to move to LA?

woman in makeup chair

Originally, I’m from Las Vegas. Los Angeles has so much creativity just woven into this environment. And I was always coming over here from Las Vegas and decided this is the place that I needed to be. So I hightailed it out, and here I am, eight years later.

How long have you been practicing yoga?

For more than a decade now, which seems like yesterday, because you’re always learning something new.

What other type of work do you do?

I am an art model. A lot of the things I do tend to be more in the nude realm, but I do all sorts of things, which is really cool. I get to collaborate with a lot of different artists and really bring to life their vision, which is awesome.

What is your favorite food?

Dumplings. I love all dumplings, stuffed with vegetables, pork, chicken, whatever. I like it all.

Why do you prefer naked yoga?

Yoga in itself is very sensory, a very mind-body connection. You're using one breath for one movement. Taking the extra layer off, which is your clothing, really opens up absolutely everything and just allows you to feel so much more in your body. I think it's an incredible way to be in touch with your body while doing something that’s also connective. Releasing that layer is a whole other world.


*this interview has been edited for brevity and clarity