Expert with Kat

Expert with Kat

$0.00 every month

Follow along with Kat as she moves you through this challenging sixteen-minute sequence. Recommended for more advanced yogis, this flow will allow you a chance to play with different handstand and backbend variations, all while exploring the freedom and empowerment of nude yoga.

Discover the joy of nude yoga with today’s exciting practice. Namaste.


Level: Advanced +

Length: 16 mins

Yogini: Kat

Follow along with Kat as she moves you through this challenging sixteen-minute sequence. Recommended for more advanced yogis, this flow will allow you a chance to play with different handstand and backbend variations, all while exploring the freedom and empowerment of nude yoga.

Discover the joy of nude yoga with today’s exciting practice. Namaste!

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Yoga for Tight Hips with Alisa

Core Strengthening Flow with Crystal

Core Strengthening Flow with Crystal

$0.00 every month
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Shoulder Therapy Flow with Passion

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Hamstring & Hips Flexibility Flow with CC

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Gentle Seated Yoga Stretches with Scarlet
