Yogis Uncovered | Meet Annelisa

naked woman smiling, holding a yoga mat with the text Yogis Uncovered | Meet Annelisa

In this edition of Yogis Uncovered, we sat down with Annelisa for a fun chat about yoga, body positivity, and her multitude of interesting hobbies. From her pet hedgehog to her recent foray into stunt work, she’s full of surprises. Whether she's mastering aerial arts or knife throwing, Annelisa’s adventurous spirit shines through—and she reminds us that life’s too short not to embrace it fully.

…my mom made sure to preach about loving your body and yourself. And then as I grew up, I feel like I didn’t have the same type of attachment to my body the way other people do.
— Annelisa
woman stretching on yoga mat outside smiling

Hi, my name is Annelisa. I’m born and raised in LA, and I still reside in LA.

What was it like growing up in LA?

It was cool. I feel like what’s so special about LA is that no matter what you’re into, you always find a place to belong. There’s so many different options on how to spend your time, and so many different types of people that you really get a melting pot of variety. So it was a lot of fun.

What do you do for work?

nude woman lying on a bolster in a split

I’m a performer. I do mostly circus and stunt work.

How did you get into stunts? 

I’ve been a performer all my life, and it was definitely something that I always had on my bucket list. I live my life based off a bucket list. There’s just a bunch of different things I wanna do and accomplish, and that was always in the back of my mind. And when the pandemic happened, I was like, well, what better time to start something new than right now? So then I spent the pandemic training in stunts.

How did you get into yoga?

smiling naked woman in pool

I got into yoga definitely later on in life, and I’m pretty sure it was due to my friends that were either practicing yoga, or they were becoming instructors. And actually, my first yoga class was for a friend who needed to do their hours to get their certificate. So that was my first yoga experience.

Do you have a favorite yoga pose?

nude woman stretching on video set

Not pigeon, just kidding. No, I’m serious. My favorite yoga pose would probably be down dog. Nothing like a good down dog to get your body out and moving. I like what it does to my hamstrings. I like feeling my Achilles heel. It just feels really good, especially in your spine and in your neck. For me personally.

Do you have any pets?

woman in child's pose practicing naked yoga

Yes, I have a dog named Lilo, like Lilo and Stitch, and I have a hedgehog named Hammy. I miss her half the time because she’s nocturnal, and I’m not, but when I do catch her, I always say it’s hammer time, ’cause it’s party time, and she’s cute. She kinda cuddles, but it’s mostly like I get a little towel when I put her in my pocket, and she’ll cuddle in my pocket.

What do you do for fun?

naked woman holding yoga mat smiling at camera

Honestly, I just train for fun. Movement’s my favorite thing to do. I train in a lot of different things. I do weapons, like whips and knife throwing. I do Muay Thai. I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I do pole and Lira, which is aerial. I do a lot of different things that I forget what I do half the time. Even archery, like there’s one. I just like to have fun.

What is your favorite food?

Ooh, that’s a tough question. Probably some macaroni and cheese, but with all the cheese, even though I’m lactose intolerant, I will die for cheese.

What is your favorite self-care practice?

Probably my nighttime routine, which would be making a cup of tea, taking a shower or a bath, and just really being mindful and in my body. Just taking it slow to appreciate sensations and just not rush through anything, just take time to myself to decompress.

Where can our members follow you online?

Instagram at @annetothelisa

Any final thoughts or advice to our viewers?

Love your life, do what you want. Life is short, we all die. Don’t be mean, be nice. That’s it. (laughs)


*this interview has been edited for brevity and clarity