Ocean Breath (Ujjayi Breathing)

Ujjayi Pranayama

naked woman practicing ujjayi breathing

The Ujjayi breath, or Victorious breath, is a pranayamic breathing technique that detoxifies the body and enhances Vinyasa flows.

  • Common Name: Ocean Breath

  • Sanskrit Name: Ujjayi Pranayama (ooh-JAH-yee prah-nah-YAH-mah)

  • Level: Beginner

  • Pose Type: Breathing

  • Target Areas: Mind, Body

If you’ve ever taken a yoga class and wondered why the person next to you is breathing so loud, they’re not just showing off – they’re using the Ujjayi breath to boost their practice! The Ujjayi breath is an audible breath that happens at the back of the throat. As you’re breathing in and out, you restrict the breath at the back of your throat so that it almost sounds like the ocean. This cleansing breath cultivates heat, which detoxifies and energizes the body. Ujjayi breathing is commonly used in Vinyasa flows which focus on linking breath to movement.

Ujjayi Breathing Steps

naked woman sitting in full lotus

Step 1

Make yourself comfortable in a seated position, either with your legs crossed or sitting back on your heels. Close your eyes.

Step 2

Start to bring your awareness to your breath.

Step 3

Take a big inhale through your nose. When you exhale, sigh loudly out through your mouth. Repeat this a few times. Notice how your sighs start to sound like the ocean.

Step 4

Another way to create this sound is to bring your palm in front of your mouth and pretend like you are fogging up a mirror. Take a big inhale through your nose, and exhale, pretend to fog a mirror with your breath. Repeat this a few times.

Step 5

Lower your palm back down. We’ll repeat that sound, but this time with the lips closed. Take a big inhale through your nose, and make that same sighing sound as you exhale out through your nose. Repeat this a few times. As you do Vinyasa flows, focus on maintaining this breath throughout the practice, remembering that each movement is linked to an inhale or exhale.


  1. Ujjayi breath should be steady and rhythmic as you make an ocean sound.

  2. Use your breath to guide you. If your breathing is strained and no longer smooth and steady — you may be pushing yourself too hard.

  3. Learning to listen to your breath will help you calm and focus your mind. You will become much more aware in the present moment.


• Concentrates and directs the breath, giving extra power and focus.

• Increases oxygen consumption.

• Calms the body.

• Quiets the brain.


• Be careful not to tighten your throat.

• If you have asthma, this breathing pattern may be difficult.

• End the practice if you feel dizzy or lightheaded.

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