Extended Puppy Pose

Uttana Shishosana

Naked woman practicing extended puppy pose

Extended Puppy Pose aka Uttana Shishosana is simultaneously a backbend and a forward fold, and is great to lengthen the spine and calm the mind.

Extended Puppy Pose aka Uttana Shishosana is both a backbend and forward fold. It stretches the shoulders, chest, back, and hips, and is great for yogis of all levels. While beginners can place their foreheads down on a yoga block, more advanced yogis may be able to reach their chin and chest all the way down to the mat.

Extended Puppy Pose Steps

Naked woman practicing extended puppy pose

Step 1

Begin in all fours, shoulders stacked over the wrists and hips stacked over the knees.

Step 2

Keep your hips over your knees and start to walk your hands forward so that your arms are stretched out long in front of you.

Step 3

Start to press your chest down toward the mat, and keep pressing your hips back over your knees, elongating your spine.

Step 4

You can rest your forehead, chin, or chest down on the mat or on top of a blanket, bolster, or block.

Step 5

Keep a slight arch in your spine and press down into your palms.


Hold here for a few deep breaths.


  1. If you can't reach the mat with your forehead, chin, or chest, you come can down on top of a block or bolster.

  2. To make the pose more comfortable, you can place a blanket under the knees.

  3. To intensify the stretch in the shoulders, you can place your elbows on top of a block and bring your hands into prayer. Continue pressing your chest down towards the mat.


• Stretches the shoulders, chest, back, and hips.

• Decompresses the spine and neck.


• Avoid during late stage pregnancy

• Spinal injuries or disorders

• Shoulder injury

• Knee injury

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