Yogis Uncovered | Meet Shar

woman smirking at camera with the text Yogis Uncovered | Meet Shar

Step into the vibrant world of Shar, a dynamic performer and dedicated yogi who has found empowerment through movement. In this revealing episode of Yogis Uncovered, Shar takes us from her early days as a gymnast to her current life as a feature entertainer in Miami. With a fearless embrace of naked yoga, Shar bares her soul and body, sharing how this practice has deepened her self-awareness, resilience, and mental clarity.

I wish we could always be naked, because that’s how we came into this world.
— Shar
woman doing nude yoga in cat-cow pose

Hi, my name is Shar Zayn. I’m from Miami.

How long have you been doing yoga and how do you get into it? 

woman in wide split on yoga mat

I was a gymnast when I was young for about 10 years when I lived in Puerto Rico, and then when I moved to Miami, I started doing calisthenics and doing yoga.

How was it doing naked yoga for the first time? 

woman practicing yoga outside

I like it. I wish we could always be naked, because that’s how we came into this world. 

Okay, what’s your favorite yoga pose?

I’m gonna say the one that I hate, but it’s my favorite too. Pigeon, because I’m not that flexible in my hips. 

Why do you practice yoga and other forms of self care?

You need to take care of yourself individually. I think yoga not only helps your body, but also your mind and concentration. 

What has yoga taught you?

It taught me a lot of patience, that you need to breathe, in your hard and in your difficult times. It mentally helped me a lot. It helped my body even more because I’m a performer. Being able to be flexible helped me a lot. 

naked woman in pigeon pose

What advice would you give yourself from 10 years ago?

profile of woman with hands in prayer

I shouldn’t let my personal problems and my depression and all the difficult parts of my life take me away from practicing yoga.

How did you become so comfortable being naked?

Well, actually it was not easy, but I’m a feature entertainer. So I go to strip clubs, but I do shows like a circus performer. I get more confident with the time, like more the experience I have performing, the more I feel more comfortable with my body.

What’s your favorite food?

I like to cook, so I cook a lot of rice, beans, with beef stew, chicken. I’m super Latina.

What’s your favorite movie or what shows have you been watching lately?

I really like Japanese anime, so I’ve been watching the Blue Eyed Samurai.

How can our members find out more about you?

You can find me on social media @shar_zayn


*this interview has been edited for brevity and clarity