Partake In National Wellness Month This August

Woman Laying in Pool - August is Wellness Month

Many of us lead incredibly busy and hectic lives, having to balance careers, family, relationships, hobbies, entertainment, fitness, and a whole host of other things. While social media can make it appear that everyone is doing a perfect job at juggling all of life’s responsibilities, the truth is that most of us struggle to keep it all together. Often our priorities can be so numerous and overwhelming that it doesn’t even cross our minds that we should be putting our own wellbeing on our to-do lists as well.

I Choose Wellness

August is National Wellness Month, a time dedicated to developing healthy habits, stress-management practices, and self-care routines. Launched in 2018 by Live Love Spa, the movement encourages people to not forget about their own health and happiness as they navigate through the hustle and bustle of their daily lives. The goal of the month is to focus on small, achievable self-care goals that you can accomplish every day, from more time-intensive activities to the smallest of tasks, such as taking a spa day, or even just giving yourself a few extra minutes to enjoy a hot shower. 

If you can’t afford the time or expense of a spa day or wellness retreat, don’t worry. There are tons of quick, easy, low or no-cost tasks ways to nurture yourself.


Here are some easy ways to celebrate National Wellness Month.

woman in splits poolside

Do An Online Naked Yoga Class

We’re obviously big fans of Naked Yoga around here, but the benefits of the practice don’t lie. Naked Yoga cultivates greater self-love, confidence, and even helps to reduce stress. The best part? You can do Naked Yoga from the privacy of your own home, whether you only have time for a quick 10-minute flow or feel like sweating it out with a more intense program.

Try A 5-Minute Meditation

There are many proven benefits of meditation, and it doesn’t take any special equipment or setup to do it. Whether it’s an easy breathing exercise or mindfulness meditation, focusing on the present moment has been shown to reduce cortisol levels and lead to a greater sense of wellbeing over time. Check out our library of Naked Yoga meditations, which combine the benefits of Naked Yoga with those of meditation.

Go On A 30-Minute Walk

Maybe running isn’t your thing, or maybe you live in a city where you don’t have easy access to hiking trails or nature. That’s okay! Taking a simple 30-minute walk around your neighborhood is a great place to start and can have just as much of a positive impact on your mood and physical health. No matter where you live or how you spend your workdays, just getting some fresh air and moving your body can feel like a respite after a busy day.

Woman napping naked

Take A Nap

Napping most likely hasn’t been a regular part of your life since you were a kid, and many adults would probably gaffe at the thought of trying to incorporate naps back into their lives. But studies show that even a quick 10-minute power nap can have powerful effects on the brain and body, such as improved memory, cognition, concentration, work performance, and response time. Try scheduling in a power nap for yourself one day this week, and make sure to set an alarm clock so you don’t sleep too long and disrupt your circadian rhythm. 10-20 minutes is just enough!

Do A Digital Detox

Let’s face it – we all spend way too much time on our devices, which can be hugely damaging to our mental and physical health in the long run, often leading to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, poor performance at work, and more. Digital detoxes are a great way to break free from mindless scrolling and take back control of your focus, productivity, and mental health. Start small by trying to schedule in a 1 hour break from all your devices, and work your way up from there. You’ll be surprised how often you’re tempted to check your phone. In the meantime, try reading a book, practicing an instrument, exercising, playing with your dog or your kids – anything that brings you into the present moment without the need for technology.

Try Gratitude Journaling

Studies show that regularly showing gratitude can improve your mental health in a variety of ways, including lower stress, better sleep, and improved relationships. This week, try writing down 10 things you’re grateful for each morning and see if you can notice a difference in how your day went.