Bridge Pose

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana


By practicing Bridge Pose pose regularly, you can improve your posture, increase flexibility in the spine and hips, and experience greater calm and relaxation.

Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandhasana in Sanskrit, is a yoga posture that involves lifting the hips and spine off the ground while lying on the back. This pose is an effective way to strengthen the back, legs, and glutes, and can also help to improve posture and flexibility in the spine and hips. Additionally, Bridge Pose is thought to be beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety, as it can help to calm the mind and promote relaxation. It is often used in prenatal yoga to help prepare for childbirth by strengthening the pelvic floor and relieving lower back pain.

Bridge Pose Steps

Woman in bridge pose practicing nude yoga

Step 1

Begin by lying down on your back on a yoga mat with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground.

Step 2

Place your arms by your side, palms facing down. Your fingertips should be lightly touching your heels.

Step 3

Inhale and slowly roll your spine upward as you lift your hips towards the ceiling while pressing your feet firmly into the mat and squeezing your buttocks.

Step 4

Keep your shoulders and feet grounded on the mat. If it’s in your practice, you can clasp your hands together under your back and press your arms into the mat. Roll your shoulders beneath you and broaden your chest.

Step 5

Hold the pose for a few deep breaths, keeping your hips lifted and your thighs engaged.

Step 6

Release the pose by slowly unclasping your hands and gently lowering your hips back down to the mat, vertebra by vertebra.


Woman in bridge pose doing naked yoga
  1. To avoid stress to your neck and upper spine you can place a folded blanket under your shoulders and neck.

  2. You can use a padded stool or chair as support for your back to assist with getting into the pose.

  3. To make the pose easier you can place a yoga block under your hips to help support your weight.


• Builds the core and lower body strength.

• Lengthens and strengthens the spine.

• Expands the lungs.


• Neck or back injury

• Chronic knee injury

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