Calm & Ground

Calm & Ground


Immerse yourself in a journey of tranquility and inner balance with this 69-minute playlist featuring five programs designed to guide you through meditation, breathing exercises, qigong, seated stretches, and a serene vinyasa flow, all aimed at cultivating inner peace and balance. “Calm & Ground” is your haven for rejuvenation!


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Level: Beginner

Total Length: 69 mins

Yoginis: Adelina, Bella, Blaize, Indi, Crystal

Immerse yourself in a journey of tranquility and inner balance with this 69-minute playlist featuring five programs designed to guide you through meditation, breathing exercises, qigong, seated stretches, and a serene vinyasa flow, all aimed at cultivating inner peace and balance. “Calm & Ground” is your haven for rejuvenation!


Calm & Ground Playlist:

1. Guided Meditation with Crystal (6 mins)

Start with Crystal’s Guided Meditation and breathe your way back to peace, helping you calm your mind and find inner stillness.

2. 4-7-8 Breathing Meditation with Adelina (5 mins)

Continue to focus on your breathing as Adelina teaches you the 4-7-8 breathing technique. This exercise will help you lower your heart rate and relieve stress. (16 mins)

3. Qigong for Calming & Grounding the Mind with Indi (11 mins)

Indi's Qigong practice brings ancient wisdom to modern times, fostering calmness and grounding. (15 mins)

4. Calming Seated Yoga Stretches with Blaize (11 mins)

Next up is Blaize’s seated stretches, which provide a gentle release for your body as well as your mind. (11 mins)

5. Slow & Serene Vinyasa Flow with Bella (36 mins)

Conclude the playlist with a gentle vinyasa flow led by Bella. This flow offers a meditative movement experience, ensuring you find harmony within. (20 mins)