Yogis Uncovered | Meet Star

naked woman holding herself with the text Yogis Uncovered - Meet Star

In this edition of Yogis Uncovered, we chatted with Star, a Florida native and movement aficionado. Join us as we go behind-the-scenes and learn about her life as a new yogi and hear her philosophies on self-love and body confidence. Subscribe to watch the full interview!

…this is the way that we come into the world. And as women, society wants to cover our bodies. It’s not equal. It felt freeing and I was really at peace.
— Star

Hi, I’m Star. I am a pole dancer and aerialist based in Tampa, Florida. I’ve been here my whole life.

naked woman standing by a pool in tadasana pose

How did you get into yoga?

I mostly started just to stretch for my dance practice. I started with YouTube videos and just followed along that way. Recently I’ve been going to different studios and taking classes. So it’s been really fun!

two women stretching outside on yoga mats

What do you like about doing yoga naked and how do you feel doing yoga naked for the first time?

Doing yoga naked for the first time was actually incredibly beautiful. It felt so natural. I feel like this is the way that we come into the world. And as women, society wants to cover our bodies. It’s not equal. It felt freeing and I was really at peace. It was probably my favorite flow that I’ve ever done.

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

I love a good child’s pose. It’s classic. It’s comfortable. It’s relaxing. It feels good.

What are the emotional benefits of yoga?

There are so many emotional benefits of the practice. It really keeps you at one with yourself, getting to know yourself and being in the present moment and being with your body and feeling every movement and noticing where you’re feeling it.

How did you become comfortable being naked?

closeup of a naked woman embracing herself

I think I began becoming comfortable being naked by pouring into myself, pouring love into myself and allowing myself to be free and be okay with who I am and the way that my body looks. I definitely struggled with insecurities in the past. Allowing myself to love on those insecurities has allowed me to fully accept myself for who I am and I’m so comfortable in my skin now. It feels like second nature.

naked woman embracing herself with a camera in foreground

What’s your favorite food?

I’d have to go with my Vovoz Stroganov. That’s probably my favorite meal.

Are you a homebody or do you prefer going out?

I’d say that I am a homebody. You can usually find me in my yard or by the pool. I like being outside but I’m definitely an introvert. I prefer to be alone in nature.

Where can we follow you online?

You can follow me on my Instagram which is @Star.Seraphine. That’s also my TikTok and my Twitter. Thank you!


*this interview has been edited for brevity and clarity