Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Prasarita Padottanasana

Woman in wide legged forward bend outside

Wide-Legged Forward Bend aka Prasarita Padottanasana is a life-changing forward fold that stretches and strengthens the back of the legs and lengthens the spinal column at the same time.

Wide-Legged Forward Bend aka Prasarita Padottanasana is an intense leg stretch that deeply stretches and strengthens the leg muscles while also lenthening the spinal column. While it's beginner friendly, more advanced yogis can deepen the pose by bringing the crown of their head all the way to the ground or bringing their hands in reverse prayer behind their back.

Wide-Legged Forward Bend Steps

Woman in wide legged forward bend

Step 1

Start in Tadasana, Mountain Pose.

Step 2

Step your feet wide apart and point the toes very slightly in, heels slightly out.

Step 3

Place your hands on your hips. On an inhale, lengthen the spine.

Step 4

On the exhale, engage your legs and start to fold forward, hinging in the hips.

Step 5

Bringing your fingertips or palms to the floor, come down as far as you can while also keeping your spine long and straight.

Step 6

Walk your your hands back until their in line with your feet.

Step 7

Relax your neck and draw your shoulders away from your ears as you hold for a few deep, slow breaths.

Step 8

Bring your hands to your hips and engage the legs and core as you press into the feet and slowly lift back up on an inhale.


  1. If you can’t reach your hands to the ground you can place your hands on blocks until you can eventually work them to the floor.

  2. More advanced yogis may be able to reach the crown of their head all the way down to the ground.


• Stretches the legs and back muscles

• Lengthens the spinal column


• Spinal injuries or disorders

• Late stage pregnant people and seniors should avoid this pose due to risk of falling; try seated version instead

• High blood pressure

• Vertigo

• Migraines

• Ankle injury

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