Eagle Pose


Woman doing Eagle Pose in apartment

Eagle Pose aka Garudasana is an intermediate standing balancing pose that opens the back and shoulders, while strengthening the legs and hips.

Eagle Pose aka Garudasana is an intermediate standing balancing pose that opens the back and shoulders, while strengthening the legs and hips. It helps to improve balance and focus because so many different areas of the body are activated while also balancing on one foot.

Eagle Pose Steps

Naked woman doing eagle pose outside

Step 1

Start in Tadasana, Mountain Pose.

Step 2

Inhale, bend the knees, sweep the arms up, and come into Chair Pose.

Step 3

Start to shift the weight into the left foot and cross the right leg over the left thigh. If you feel balanced on one foot and have the flexibility, you can hook the right toes around the inside of the left ankle.

Step 4

Lower the arms down in front of you, and cross the left elbow over the right elbow. Lift the elbows so that the upper arms are parallel with the ground, and start to wrap your arms, reaching the palms towards each other if that's available to you. Draw the hands away from the face.

Step 5

Sink deeper into the standing leg and focus on a stationary point in front of you.


  1. If you can’t cross your leg all the way over the other, you can try simply crossing the ankles instead, placing the ball of the top foot on the mat or a block as a kickstand for stability.

  2. If you have limited balance, flexibility, or mobility, you can perform this asana while seated.


• Stretches the arms and upper back.

• Strengthens the hips and quads.


• Knee injury

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